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Obligation to provide information


Pursuant to Article 13(1) and (2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the GDPR), we kindly inform that:

  • The controller of your personal data (PDC) is: Porta KMI Poland Spółka Akcyjna based in Bolszewo, ul. Szkolna 54, Bolszewo (84-239), KRS [National Court Register] No.: 0000838758.
  • Our contact details are as follows:, correspondence address: ul. Szkolna 54, Bolszewo (84-239).
  • The PDC has appointed the Personal Data Protection Officer (PDPO). You can contact the PDPO at the following email address: or using address for letters: “Inspektor ochrony danych Porta” [Data protection officer Porta], ul. Hryniewickiego 6c/17, 81-340 Gdynia or at the Controller’s address.
  • Depending on the purpose for which your personal data are processed, the legal basis for processing your personal data shall be:
    1. Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. The purpose of the personal data processing is the fulfilment of the provisions of the agreement or data processing prior to the conclusion thereof;
    2. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. The legitimate interest of the Controller (within the reservation that this interest is marketing of own products and services of the Controller as well as defence and pursuit of claims, including the complaint process handling);
    3. Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. Within the scope in which you have given your consent to the processing of personal
      data. The purpose of processing personal data is expressed each and every time in the consent.
  • If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the agreement or prior to the conclusion thereof (letter (a) above), the provision of the data is voluntary but necessary for entering into the agreement or taking up actions aimed at concluding it with the PDC.
  • If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the legitimate interest of the PDC (letter (b) above), you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  • If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the consent (letter (c) above), you have the right to withdraw the consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Providing such data is voluntary. Revocation of the consent shall not influence the legitimacy of the processing made on the basis of the consent prior to the revocation.
  • The personal data recipients are:
    1. entities with which the PDC cooperates within the scope of the conducted activity (such as: marketing or training agencies, law firms, IT service providers, and hosting service providers, entities rendering archiving services and document destruction services, etc.),
    2. entities providing services as part of the performance of the agreement, as well as defence and collection of receivables,
    3. entities forming a sales network of products and services of the PDC,
    4. entities providing postal or courier services.
  • The data shall be processed for the period necessary to achieve the processing objectives indicated above and in particular:
    1. within the scope of performance of the agreement, throughout its effective period; after this time the data shall be processed for the period required by law or for the period necessary to assert claims,
    2. as part of the pursuit of PDC’s legitimate interests, the data shall be processed until the positive consideration of the objection raised by you to the data processing,
    3. if you give your consent to the data processing, the data shall be processed until its
  • Please be advised that you have the right to
    1. access your personal data,
    2. rectify your personal data,
    3. demand to restrict the processing of your personal data,
    4. object to the processing of the data by the PDC on the basis of legitimate interest of the PDC,
    5. erase the data if no other purpose of the processing is pursued,
    6. withdraw the consent,
    7. transfer the data to another controller in the case of processing the data on the basis of the consent or agreement if they are processed in an automated way by the PDC.
  • You can exercise the rights by contacting the PDPO or PDC in writing or via email (contact details above).
  • The PDC may apply, towards your personal data, profiling in the scope of and in connection with sales and marketing statistics. The PDC shall not take automated decisions which may produce legal effects or which may otherwise affect data subjects.
  • The PDC shall not provide your data to a third country or an international organisation.
  • We inform you about the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. Such a body is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw).