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Warm external door to an energy-saving house. Which one to choose?

Warm external door to an energy-saving house. Which one to choose?

1 min

Everyone likes the prospect of lower heating costs. Hence the growing interest in energy-saving and passive houses.

To achieve this status, houses must meet the appropriate requirements and have very good insulation parameters.

It is also important to invest in the right energy-saving door leading to the interior of the house. Which “warm exterior door” to choose for an energy-efficient house to ensure good thermal insulation?

porta thermo modern model m2 kolor antracyt

The most important measurement parameter is the heat transfer coefficient, which is determined for all elements of the house, including the door.

Which doors can be considered as energy-saving doors? Which Ud coefficient for external doors is appropriate?

Heat transfer coefficient in energy-saving doors

This value is marked with the symbol Ud and given in units of W/m2K. This coefficient indicates the amount of heat flow through a given part of the surface of the tested building envelope (wall, roof, window, door), when on both sides there is a temperature difference of 1K (Kelvin).

Thanks to it, heat losses are determined for each partition separately. The lower the indicator, the higher the energy efficiency of your door – which will be associated with significant savings on heating costs.

The value of the coefficient is affected by the type and thickness of the material from which the building partition is made.

The thermal insulation coefficient in energy-saving doors should not exceed Ud = 1.3 W/m2K. This should also be the maximum thermal permeability of external doors.

Why are energy-saving exterior doors so important?

To answer this question, you need to know the percentage of heat losses in an average building. Well, 20-25% of heat escapes through the walls and corners of the building, and another 25-30% through the roof.

We lose up to 15% of heat through cellars and foundations, and as much as 20% through doors and windows. For this reason, you need to know which is the right Ud coefficient for external doors and choose the door accordingly.

Energy-saving front doors to the houses must also be characterized by the highest possible water tightness and very good resistance to gusts of wind. No less important is their minimum air permeability.

In energy-saving doors, it is therefore necessary to use additional elements and materials that are able to increase the level of their tightness. That is why additional seals are used both in the wings and in the frame.

Energy-saving exterior doors to the house usually have a threshold that is made of a special composite or of a composite combined with aluminum.

It is no different in the case of PORTA THERMO external doors, where three out of four available energy-saving packages are using a three-element threshold made of aluminum and two layers of composite.

As a result, the door has enhanced thermal insulation.



Energy-saving and anti-burglary doors at the same time

In energy-saving entrance doors, you can also place anti-burglary protection, so that the door not only protects the household against heat loss, but also against thieves and intruders.

The Ud coefficient for external doors can be preserved even if we use multi-point locking, anti-burglary inserts with 3D protection against picks and drilling, as well as against tearing out and twisting.

Of course, manufacturers outdo each other in using various technical innovations. For example, on modern doors can be installed special fingerprint readers or other devices that increase the level of door security.

It is therefore a fact that an energy-saving security door provides double protection.

One such smart solution is SMART HOME eKey dLine fingerprint reader available in the OPTIMUM ENERGY and PREMIUM ENERGY packages that can be purchased with PORTA THERMO external doors.

The reader is placed directly in the leaf, in a special frame whose color is matched to the color of the door hardware. Thanks to it the door opens without using a key, after placing your finger on the reader.

Another smart feature is opening the door to the house from anywhere in the world, using the application on your smartphone.

After installing the application, you can grant temporary access to open the door, for example by family or co-workers. Thanks to this, in your absence, they will be able to get into the house without having to have a key. You can give and receive such temporary access at any time.

The set includes an intelligent semi-automatic door lock WINKHAUS SMART EAV3. Thanks to it, when leaving the house, you can lock the door without using a key.

PORTA THERMO GLASS external door (G1 model)

PORTA THERMO GLASS external door (G1 model)

Energy-saving external doors in the PORTA offer

The PORTA THERMO external door is a steel house entrance door available in four energy-saving options – STANDARD, OPTIMUM, OPTIMUM ENERGY and PREMIUM ENERGY.

Depending on the package selection, the leaf structure is made of a wooden frame (STANDARD version) or of super durable and thermally insulating SolidTherm composite (for the other three variants).

The SolidTherm composite is a specially designed blend of ABS and fiberglass that does not absorb moisture and does not deform with temperature fluctuations.

Extremely durable, it provides excellent thermal insulation of the door structure, which will not leak over time. All leaves are covered with a 0.6 mm thick galvanized steel sheet.

Choose a door for yourself

Exterior doors feature high resistance to harsh weather conditions such as rain, wind, cold air or intense sunlight. Such properties are ensured by covering the leaves with the already mentioned steel sheet finished with PVC foil. All doors are assembled using a complex three-layer airtight warm assembly process.

This solution ensures high thermal insulation, which is crucial in the case of energy-saving external doors, and strengthens and binds the entire structure of the leaf.

The door in the STANDARD package is equipped with a single-chamber steel door frame. The OPTIMUM and OPTIMUM ENERGY lines have a durable and damage-resistant aluminum frame with a warmer thermal insert,  while the PREMIUM ENERGY package has been equipped with the most durable and thermally insulating multi-chamber SolidTherm composite door frame. The block frame is made of a special composite, which is a warm material.

The installation is done by using the Three-Layer Assembly Kit, thus obtaining an increased tightness which is extremely important in the construction of ecological and passive houses. The usage of the package reduces the carbon footprint of the household by reducing the need for heat.

PORTA THERMO MODERN external door (M1 model)

PORTA THERMO MODERN external door (M1 model)

PORTA THERMO external doors are available as four lines of entrance doors to the house , including both full and glazed models, with selected lines being also available with upper and side transoms.

Our goal was to select the best, the most thermally insulating and the most fashionable options for energy-saving external doors for your home.

That is why we have prepared several modern models of door leaves in very popular colors of coatings.

What is especially important – you can match the energy-saving package of your choice to each door model offered.